MACKfest 2025 EVENT details (click here)
Event Date: April 11-13, 2025 (Back-up alternate date will be April 4-7)
Location: Marmora Curling Club, 2 Crawford Dr, Marmora, Ontario
Adult 1 night - $20
Adult 2 nights - $30
Youth 1 night - $10 (13 - 16 yrs, Free for children 12 years and under)
Youth 2 nights - $15 (13 - 16 yrs, Free for children 12 years and under)
Meals: Pre-order deadline is April 4, 2025 PRE-ORDER HERE!
Friday Meal - $22 - 1/2 Chicken dinner with Greek salad & Assorted pie, Coffee/Tea
Friday Vegetarian Meal $22 - Macaroni & Cheese with Greek salad & Assorted pie, Coffee/Tea
Saturday morning Pancake breakfast at Marmora Lions club. $10/pp. 8am-11:30am. Click here for more info
Saturday Meal - $25 - Roast beef dinner with scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, dinner rolls & Assorted pie, Coffee/Tea
Saturday Vegetarian Meal - $25 - Cabbage rolls with scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, dinner rolls & Assorted pie, Coffee/Tea
Coffee and Tea Saturday/Sunday morning 7-10am: Curling Club will charge $1.50/mug
Shirts: Pre-order deadline is March 14, 2025 PRE-ORDER HERE!
Unisex fit: $20, colour=charcoal. Logo design by fellow paddler Brook Smith
Woman's fit: $20, colour=charcoal. Logo design by fellow paddler Brook Smith
Rash guard: $30, colour=carbon. Logo design by fellow paddler Brook Smith
Grand Prize Raffle Tickets: $20 per ticket and sell a max of 100 for each prize. PRE-ORDER HERE!
To be determined
MACKFEST 2025 Vendors:
Kayak Ontario - Grand Prize
Level 6 - Drysuits and Skirt demos available
Paddler Co-op - Friday Creeking Clinic
Friday Schedule:
Creeking Clinic by Paddler Co-op (Click here for more info and to sign up)
12 noon - 5pm - Queensborough ‘Treats on the Black’ - bring cash for food
2pm - Curling Club will be open for paddlers and vendors
4pm - 8pm - Registration desk open, pick up pre-purchased merch, meal tickets & raffle tickets
5pm - 12 midnight - Bar hours, Last call at 11pm
Dinner hours: 5:30pm - 7:30pm Friday
Saturday Schedule:
7am - 10am - Curling Club open for warm-up, meet other paddlers and plan your day
8am - 11:30am - Lions Club Pancake Breakfast at the Community Centre for $10. (coffee mug refills can be purchased at the Community Centre for $2)
12 noon - 5pm - Queensborough ‘Treats on the Black’ - bring cash for food
2pm - Curling Club reopens for paddlers and vendors
4pm - 1am - Bar hours, Last call at 12 midnight
5:30pm - 7:30pm - Dinner hours
7:30pm Fundraiser Raffle - funds will be donated to Marmora Helping Hands Food Bank & Central Hastings Support Network/Madoc Food Bank
8:30pm - Live music by the Valley Cats
Sunday Schedule:
7am - 10am - Curling Club open for warm-up,meet other paddlers and plan your day, Coffee and tea available for $1.50 - bring your mug
12 noon - 5pm - Queensborough ‘Treats on the Black’ - bring cash for food
12 noon - Deadline for Campers to remove all tents, gear and vehicles from Fairground
1pm - Deadline for Vendors to be out of the Curling Club
Since its inception in 2008, the Marmora and Area Canoe and Kayak Festival, MACKfest for short, has grown significantly in popularity and developed a reputation as one of the “must make” spring whitewater festivals in Ontario.
This three-day whitewater paddler get-together is hosted at the Marmora Curling Club by volunteers from one of the largest recreational paddling clubs in Ontario, the Kawartha Whitewater Paddlers (KWP) recreational paddling club.
Paddlers come together during this weekend to celebrate the start of the paddling season, see old friends and meet new ones. There are some amazing rivers in the area known as the "highway 7 Runs" as they intersect Highway 7, running between Peterborough and Ottawa. Paddlers organize their own river expeditions during the MACKfest weekend then spend the rest of the time enjoying the event festivities...and some people just come for the event festivities!
The Upper and Lower Black
Crowe and others typically only flow in early spring with the snow melt and seasonal rain.
They feature river runs from Class II-IV as well as a number of quality park and play spots.
This annual festival is a great way to kickstart your paddling season, dust off your winter cobwebs and meet new and old friends. Aside from exciting spring boating, the event promises amazing prizes from many sponsors and great live music, with proceeds going to local community organizations and river advocacy initiatives. Organizers are looking forward to boaters gathering in Marmora once again to celebrate spring paddling in Ontario!
A Little MACKfest History:
MACKfest and WO Advocacy have negotiated with landowners over time to establish and maintain river access land-sharing agreements on a number of the Highway 7 runs. We greatly appreciate the generosity of the following landowners:
1. Beaver Creek put-in at the hydro cut: This land is owned by Dale Reynolds and family
2. Beaver Creek Bridge Drop rapid: The land river right is owned by Natalie Zanussi
3. Beaver Creek Fidlar’s Take-out: The grassy meadow is owned by Brenda Gorham
4. Upper Black River - BBB Falls portage on river right: The land is owned by Jerry and Kim Brodey and family
5. Upper Black River Take-out in Queensborough: This land is owned by Elaine and Lud Kapusta and family
6. Crowe Bridge play waves: River right wave access is on land owned by Lucille and Joe Orlando
7. Skootamatta River Take-out: The cottage and trail at the take-out is owned by Phil Kompass and family
We do not organize MACKfest river trips.
Paddlers should plan their own paddling
Local river beta can be found here and will be posted on a bulletin board at the curling club for Beaver Creek, Upper and Lower Black, Skootamata, Salmon, Moira, Crowe Bridge and the Fish Hatchery
*River links take you to
What an unbelievable year! We went from the brink of canceling to a record turnout!!! 🤯🥳 Just over a week before the event, we were seeing record low water levels. Instead, the skies opened up just in time to give us prime conditions. Thank you all so much for supporting the event this year. It is clear by the smiles, excited conversations, and laughter we documented through this weekend how much MACKfest is loved. 🥰
Photo by Natalie Mahoney
Whitewater Ontario gives thanks to Queensborough
During a presentation held the morning of March 24, 2012 in the hamlet of Queensborough, Whitewater Ontario unveiled a plaque recognizing the community for their continuing generosity in welcoming kayakers along the Black River. Since 2005, the Queensborough Community Centre (QCC) has been hosting a fund raising luncheon for the paddlers who enjoy early spring runs on the Upper and Lower Black River. The Money raised through the Saturday barbeques (known as Treats on the Black River) will be used to fund the drop-in children's summer program at the Community Centre this July. Attending the presentation were, from left, Ann Barry (QCC), Joan Sims (QCC), Stephanie Sims (Children's Summer Program Counsellor), Susanna Sims, Ludwik Kapusta (QCC), Elaine Kapusta (QCC), Laura Duncan (Whitewater Ontario Advocacy Committee Chair), Wayne Donison (Whitewater Ontario Vice President), Gary George, Leah Kindree, and Ben Plumb (all Advocacy Committee members). The sign reads, "This access opportunity provided in partnership between Ludwik and Elaine Kapusta and Whitewater Ontario. Erected by Whitewater Ontario in appreciation of the Queensborough Community's ongoing hospitality to whitewater paddlers, with a special thank-you to onwners Ludwik and Elaine Kapusta."
Elaine & Lud Kapusta
Black River
Jerry and Kim Brodey
Black River
Dale Reynolds
Beaver Creek
Natalie Zanussi
Beaver Creek
Brenda Gorham
Beaver Creek
Phil & Amanda Kompass
Skootamatta River
Lucille & Joe Orlando
Crowe Bridge
A special thank you to the community of Queensborough for offering such a warm welcome to paddlers!